
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Loki Pre-Order

The Loki is now at the caster.  As JPG Productions is currently MONTHS behind on the Atlas and has the Owens and Fafnir to do, I have moved production to Timeslip Creations...they did the Bushy and the Thor. the regular caster is behind (WAY behind) my business model has taken a bit of a hit.  This means I won't be able to offer a pre-order discount on the Loki.  What I will do is offer a plaque (like with Vulture IV, Atlas, & upcoming Owens) for paid pre-orders.  This pre-order will be limited to 20 units total. The price will be $135 plus shipping. If you are interested, please let me know HERE. Make sure to let me know if this will be shipped to an addy in the lower 48 or outside/international.  

Note, the toes will be different on the production version

The new toe design is circled