
Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 2009-The month of GEERT

So, we have a few members who are creators of kits...and others who are builders.  Geert is a builder and boy, does he build.  I recently asked him to send me some pics...anything he has.  Well, he came through with flying colors. So, November is the "Month of Geert".  I will dedicate the majority of this months posts to Geert's work.  To start off, here are some teaser pics.  I plan to post his different builds together, this is just an appetizer.  Thanks my friend!

1 comment:

  1. I followed a link at Starship Modeler Forums.

    Are the elementals going to be available on a large scale? I would love to add those to my mountain of minis. Cheers.
