
Thursday, May 16, 2013


Wow!  If I read the stats right, we just recently broke the 44K unique page view mark.  That is incredible and very humbling.  Thanks to all who have been following me and my works.

The Vulture is going to the caster this week.  He has been swamped with work for Wonderfest and I did not want the masters just sitting in a workshop.  He still has not been able to provide me with a quote on this one so I am probably just going to pay for the castings out of pocket rather than do a pre-order.  Also, with the issues with the last two pre-orders I may shy away from them all together. He said he should be able to get it done by the end of June.

The Fafnir.  Man-oh-man...every time I fit the pieces together all I can think is, "I'ma firin my lazor, Bitches!"  Sorry for the bad language...its just funny that the B word is what pops into my head.  This thing is going to be awesome.  I should have some pics this weekend.

Also, I am going to post a quicky conversion of the Victor's arm to remove the hand and add a laser to make it more MW4-ish.


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