
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Holding Pattern

I am still waiting on the replacement Victor parts, unfortunately Wonderfest is right around the corner so just about every caster, JPG included, are working full tilt.   As soon as they get here, the remaining kits will be shipped. 

When the Daishi was shipped to me by the caster, they put one complete kit in a bag and I trusted all was well.  Unfortunately, a lot of those kits were missing pieces.  To avoid that this time, I have personally packed every kit individually to avoid the missing parts issue.

So, what's going on now?  Still trying to get quotes on the Vulture. Yes, that will be the next kit.  The Fafnir is coming along quite nicely.  Maybe some pics will go up this week.



  1. Just waiting on updates on the vulture. Luve the design and eager to see it.

  2. Vulture!?
    Sweet! I can't wait to get one.
