
Friday, November 15, 2013

Fleas and Annihilators (the Dragoons would be proud)

The Flea kits came in this week and today I shipped all paid pre-orders...domestic and international.  This weekend I will get some build notes published, but this kit is the most straight forward yet. I will also get some pics up.

Next Kit:  Since the Madcat Mk II will not be available anytime soon, I am planning on kitting the Annihilator.  I am also working with David White to get a LARGE print of his Annihilator drawing signed.  All who pre-order will be put in a drawing for the signed print. Look for more info in the coming week once I get a casting estimate from JPG.


  1. Tim,

    I've got to say that (IMHO) the Annihilator is the UGLIEST mech ever made - that extended "head" and the barrel shape just does nothing for me. That being said, I had a look at your version, and full credit to you for what you've produced - those curves must have been a nightmare to make up.


  2. It is ugly as mechs go. I guess that is why I love it...even the ugly duckling needs some love.

  3. I know i’ve said I’m down for ordering ‘mech kits a LOT and then fallen through, but now i’ve got my ducks in a row, and I’ll TOTALLY order an Annihilator, it’s one of my favorite designs.

  4. Aw jeez, how the heck am I supposed to resist buying THIS?!??

  5. Resistance is futile... Support FCY, and buy it!

    (Says he who is madly trying to convince the missus to let him buy a Flea...)


  6. Yes, give in to temptation! I do accept "Bill Me Later" & CCs through PayPal...shameless, huh?

  7. Im a tiny bit concerned about the ankles on the Flea; they look like the might need reinforcing.

  8. Is this the same Anonymous who was worried about the Vulture stability? Anyway, it is a simple ball and socket so it can be posed. A little epoxy or super glue and it is fine.

  9. Bought the Flea to get back into doing models and LOVED it. And now I see the prenant alien is going to be done? Awesome! Just one question, how much would it cost about for the pre-order?

  10. "The pregnant alien"...?! :) Love it - great description...


  11. I am waiting on a quote from the caster. As soon as he gives me a price, I will open a preorder.
