
Monday, April 21, 2014

All I can do is apologize...

...for the delays with the Mad Cat MK II.  When I did the masters, I focused on ease of casting.  All indications were that it should be a quick job.  That was in early February.  Here we are in late April and there are still no sample kit (that I was supposed to get a couple weeks ago).   I am beyond flustered.

And I am very, very sorry for the delays.


  1. No worries. I presume the caster is still working on 'em. Has he mentioned that he's run into difficulties or just running longer than usual? Don't sweat it...

    Looking forward to the pieces when they do arrive. Heck, it's going to cost me quite a few hours when it does. :)

  2. well cant be helped I suppose, we were never promised any set-in-stone dates just rouph blind guess estimates so its cool with me. as long as a production run is garanteed(which it is since its already ben sent to the caster for production) I im cool with it Tim :)

  3. No worries. Lately I suddenly find myself with less time to build and more kits than I can get to. I know it's coming and thats all that matters, Tim.

    My teenage son Lars chomping at the bit for his...
