
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Update and Restocks...updated...and updated

The Dervish Pre-order is putzing along. Only a handful so far. Please, check it out. This will be an awesome kit! Go order one! 

We only have 5  8 so far. If we do not hit the 15 required pre-orders by next Friday, the kit will be cancelled and all monies refunded.

There are 5 Mad Cat MK II kits available.  Check them out in the store!

I just received a package from Thor's Mechworks.  I could not resist the Awesome.  Hopefully, I can get some pics up this weekend.  Initial impressions are mixed.  Wow comes to mind first.  However, this kit is NOT for a newbie. You need some solid experience to create a nice display piece. There are lots of lines from the printing process...some voids that should be easily fixed...they are biggest issue is that some parts are pre-assebled. Now, I know there are good and positive reasons, but on some parts, it will make clean up difficult.  Still, for the price I am impressed.

The Shoulder:  There was an inordinate amount of noise regarding the Dervish shoulder...that did look like a tire.  Actually, when I looked at the bag of wooden shapes I was using...they were tires.  That issue has been rectified. 

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