
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Shadow Cat and Private Project

Update 1: Shadow Cat
She may not look like much, but they all start somewhere. The torso parts of the Shadow Cat have been roughed out. I am really working hard on this one to make it pose-able. Models being pose-able has always been a weak part in my my builds. The Shadow Cat is light enough I can try a few new things.

Update 2: The Private Project
As I have sold the first 5 of 6 (one for my build-up), I figure word is going to get out so here it is: The Sagittaire

Pre-orders pretty much sucked on this one. Only 6 people even asked for an invoice. I worked with Jimi Glancy Jr. to do this one a little different. He allowed me to pay for the molds, then buy them in batches of 5. This was one of the reasons I was trying to sell of old pay for this one without a pre-order. Thanks to selling a few things at a discount and a loving & supporting wife who funds my insanity the Sagittaire is seeing limited production.


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