
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Lack of Updates

Let me apologize for the lack of updates.  I had my final arm surgery about 4 weeks ago and things are slowly returning to normal...although the surgeon said it could be six months before my arms are back to normal.  Generally, they don't like doing surgery on both arms in such a short period, but with the primary job situation I had to get it done while I still had insurance. 

Anyway, there has actually been a lot going on that I have not shared publicly.  A few commission pieces have been completed and either cast or are being cast.   I finished a TRO style Archer and Orion.  Currently I am working on a Thug, a Wasp, and a Stalker...all TRO style for customers.  I am also working to try and get the Fafnir funded again. 

As for the Marketplace...I have very few kits in stock.  I am trying to clear out the old stuff and start with new kits.

Here are a few pics of what I have been working on.  Enjoy!

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