
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Long time, no update...

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates.  There is a lot going on and it's often easier to just update Facebook than try to update this blog.  This site is being uncooperative of late...I can be in the middle of posting and the site will drop out and I lose everything.  Additionally, there has been an illness in the family and those responsibilities have limited my time in the shop. 

Here is an update of where things are:  

1. All Fafnir and Catapult pre-orders have long since shipped.  Currently, I am casting recent orders for the Catapult and a few others.  

2. The Stalker commission is underway.  Look for a pre-order in a month or so.

3.  The Atlas and Templar are being permanently retired. The largest of the molds are tearing and at this stage the ROI makes remolding non-feasible. 

Here is a list of what is currently available for order:

Galleon Light Tank
Vulture MK IV
Nova Cat
Mad Cat MK II
Classic Centurion
Classic Commando
Classic Dragon
Classic Orion
Classic Clint
Shadow Cat

Stay Tuned for more!

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