
Friday, March 4, 2022


So...I was going through the 3D mechs I purchased from an artist in Canada and there are some that are great and some that are just...bleh.  I always considered the Vulcan to be an ugly mech.  However, I recently played MW5 and saw the redesign of the Vulcan.  I actually liked it.  Now, I tend to avoid the MWO versions of mechs as there are 3D copies all over the web and everyone seems to have a 3D printer and an Etsy shop.  But...

My bailiwick has always been taking the Classic 3025 era mechs and updating the designs.  The Vulcan seemed like a prime candidate for one of my makeovers. So, here it updated Vulcan.  Please note, this is not a finished form....just a rough draft.  If there is enough interest, I will finish it off and kit it once the Marauder is done and shipped.

If this is a kit you would purchase, please let me know in the comments sections.

Thanks and have a great day!

With the old Wolfhound for scale

From the back

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