
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Marauder...Bad News & More Bad News but a light at the end of the tunnel

My caster, JPG Productions, has quit the project.  We had a lengthy discussion and there were too many contradicting "reasons" for delays and no answer for why the project sat idle for 2 months.  He did, after all, solicit me for work back in February.  Anyway, I was laying out my required timetable for completion and he said he'd be happier if he quit the project followed up with an "lol".  Initially, I wanted to hold him to our agreement.  That included a 15% discount every two weeks beyond the 6-week completion date.  At his pace I could have gotten the kit completed for almost nothing.  However, past experience has taught me when someone is doing a job they don't want to do they generally do not do their best work nor is it prioritized. 

I have received the molds...most are okay.  Others are pretty poorly done and will more than likely require remolding before I can complete the 30 orders outstanding. 

What this means is that I am having to rearrange my entire schedule.  I am having to delay the the Awesome commission and pause my work on the Atlas commission, put the Nova & Stormcrow back into storage, limit future build commissions I take, and work like crazy to get the Vulcan done ASAP.  The molds for the Vulcan are, at least, done and I am currently casting those kits.  

I am frustrated and infuriated beyond belief.  Several nights this week I have only slept for two-three hours because of the way this is weighing on me.  At least now I feel like I have a little bit more control over the situation.

Hang in there folks.  You have always gotten what you paid for and this will not be any different...just delayed. 

1 comment:

  1. It was bad, reading you having that trouble with that MAD-3R.
    But finally I have mine in hands now! 😊 it was worth waiting and you have not promised too much - again a great kit!

    to everybody else have a look in Mal’s unboxing video:
