
Monday, December 31, 2012

Final Post of 2012

Another year has come and gone and boy has it been one heck of a year.  The better half of the year was spent in and out of doctors offices and resulted in two surgeries...damn cancerous tumors!  Damn you I say!

On the model front, the Puma line was closed out.  Pity...I always had a soft spot for that mech...probably because it was the first scratch built mech I considered a success.  The Cougar pre-order was a success beyond my wildest imagination.  That one sold so well I am having to close that line...the molds are worn out.  Now, we have the Daishi at the caster and I am planing on which mech to do next.  It is my hope in 2013 to be able to produce 3 mechs.

What is going on right now? 

I just finished a TRO style Jenner commission.  No, I will not post pics...

I am working on a Victor commission. This one has potential.

I have been asked to do another Shadow Cat.

That is what others have asked for. I still have the Nova Cat to tweak. I have started a Nova and have Scott's Mauler and Owens to finish. I have made up plans for a Catapult that is more TRO style than Scott's MW4 version. I really want to do a Wolfhound too.  There are just too many mechs.

So, where does this leave us? I may be out of work, have doctor bills out the butt, and have more models to build that I can possibly get to...but life is good.  I have a great wife and son...what a great support system. And I have you guys...yeah, sappy huh?  Seriously, I have gotten to know many of you over the past year and value your friendship.

Thanks for all the support and see you in 2013.

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