
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jenner TRO style

Okay, okay.  Enough pestering.  Here is one...and only one...pic of the Jenner I just completed. It is a scratchbuild based on the TRO illustrations done without the use of paper model plans.  I took on-line pics and had to draw out the blueprints.  The customer is happy...but I HATE the TRO Jenner.  Yes, hate!  This pic was taken right before I did some final touch-ups.  Enjoy.


  1. I would so love to have this Mech in N-scale, fitting with Mechwarrior Dark Age in size. :-(

  2. Fitting in size with the N-scale Mechs that are available or the RalParthaEurope (or Iron Wind Metals) Museum Scale Mechs.
    I have a lot of Mechs in that scale and roughly 70ton plus Mechs are about 3 inches tall. A Jenner fitting that scale should probably be a little smaller than that.
