As you know, the Vulture that was acquired was a prototype for a line of toys ReSaurus Toys wanted to do for MW4. The owner really wanted to preserve the paint job on this prototype, so when he sent it to me I only patched a couple really large and noticeable voids and built some missing pieces (arms and mounts). The dark paint job hid a world of evils. The Vultures have been delayed because the original is having to be rebuilt. Here are some pics to let you see why the rebuild, hence the delay, is necessary. I know we originally planned a 30 day turn around that has stretched to around 90, but trust me when I say it will be worth it. As a side note, we noticed these issues AFTER the first molds had been made and the first casts were pulled. It was then the caster went back and primed the kit and we discovered "...what a piece of junk!" this prototype was. I am surprised JPG did not pack this kit up with a note saying, "F*ck you!" and send it back to me.
You can see in this pic the air bubble voids that were revealed when the original dark paint job was primed. This is one of the toes on the mech.
Here is the corrected toe.
This is one of the chin mounted guns. You can see the mold line from when this was originally cast. That had to go unless you wanted a double mold line.
Here is the corrected piece.