
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

It's been a while...Update!

Sorry it has been so long since I updated this blog.  I tend to put messages on Facebook and forget there are many who do not follow me there...just here.

As always, there are bumps in the road.  A month ago my caster contacted me to let me know that life has dealt him a bad hand.  I wont share all the details's not my place. What I will share in what that means for you all.

The Fafnir:  When he contacted me he had not yet finished the molds...after 3 months.  He definitely was not going to be able to cast the kits until sometime in 2020.  He decided it was best to hand the Fafnir molds off to me and just let me cast them.  In addition to the Fafnir molds, he wanted me to get ALL my mold sets from him.  My wife and I had to rent an SUV, drive 12 hours, load the truck, get some sleep and drive all the way back...all between when she got off work Friday and had to be back at work Monday morning. 

The Catapult:  The caster was going to do this one right after the Fafnir...but that was when he thought the Fafnir would be done by the end of October.  There is no way he could get to the Catapult until probably spring.  That is unacceptable to keep the client waiting that long so it is going to fall on me to mold/cast that one as well.

Here is where the wicket gets sticky.  My operation is set up to for my primary focus...scratch building.  Secondarily is the molding and casting of the mechs.  My molding/casting operation is fairly small compare to the regular guy I use for the large jobs.  He has a giant compressor, 4 pots and a whole workshop.  I have a small compressor, a small pot, and a spare room I work out of. 

It is going to take time.  I have managed to complete 2 Fafnir kits and they will go out to the client this week.  Between now and the end of the year my sole focus is going to be casting Fafnir kits and molding the Catapult for casting.

On the up side, since I now have more molds and am doing SOOOOOOO much casting I can wiggle in some other casting jobs at the same time. Here is what is currently available:

Atlas (MWO style)
Galleon Light Tank
Vulture MK IV
Nova Cat
Mad Cat MK II
Classic Centurion
Classic Commando
Classic Dragon
Classic Orion
Classic Clint
Shadow Cat
MW4 Templar

Currently the Archer, the Mad Dog 2019, Mad Cat 2017 and the Raven all need certain parts remolded and are currently unavailable.

More late, mechwarriors.

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