
Friday, December 13, 2019

December Update

Folks, I have been casting and casting and casting....hell, I have had nightmares about casting.  The up side is that Fafnirs are going out.  I have completed and shipped over half the pre-orders.  They are being shipped in the order the invoices were paid.  So, those that paid in early August are getting theirs first, those that paid in September are getting theirs last with a couple exceptions.  International orders...shipping is crazy this time of year with the Christmas holiday and whatnot.  Unless any of you objections I would like to wait until after the holidays to ship yours.  If this is an issue for you, please shoot me an e-mail. 

Also, there are some brief build notes being published.  Most of the kit is self-explanatory but there are a few things that need some clarification.

Keep on building, mechwarriors.

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